Zukunft der digitalen Währungen verstehen

Unser Ziel ist es, Forschung und Bildung zu Kryptowährungen und Blockchain für alle zugänglich machen.

Über uns:

Wir sind ein Verein, zur Erforschung von digitalen Währungen und Technologien, um Wissen zu fördern und dieses der Allgemeinheit zugänglich zu machen. Unser Ziel ist es, das Verständnis für Kryptowährungen und Blockchain zu vertiefen. Wir wollen Volksbildung fördern und jeden dazu ermutigen und zu fördern, sich mit diesen neuen Technologien zu beschäftigen.

A collection of four coin-like representations of cryptocurrencies including Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Dogecoin. Each coin displays symbols or text related to its respective cryptocurrency. The background features a financial chart with candlestick patterns, suggesting a trading or investment context.
A collection of four coin-like representations of cryptocurrencies including Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Dogecoin. Each coin displays symbols or text related to its respective cryptocurrency. The background features a financial chart with candlestick patterns, suggesting a trading or investment context.

Digitale Währungen

Forschung und Bildung zu digitalen Währungen und Technologien für die Allgemeinheit zugänglich machen.


Initiierung von Forschungsprojekten zu Kryptowährungen, Blockchain und KI für vertieftes Verständnis.

A pink piggy bank surrounded by floating digital currency coins with various cryptocurrency symbols. The background is a soft green color, and the coins feature symbols for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance Coin, among others.
A pink piggy bank surrounded by floating digital currency coins with various cryptocurrency symbols. The background is a soft green color, and the coins feature symbols for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance Coin, among others.

Förderung der ganzheitlichen Volksbildung unter Berücksichtigung der Individualität jedes Einzelnen ist unser Ziel.

Wir bieten Workshops und Seminare an, um Wissen über digitale Assets und neue Technologien zu verbreiten.

Several gold-colored cryptocurrency coins are displayed on a textured fabric surface. Each coin features distinct symbols and inscriptions related to digital currencies.
Several gold-colored cryptocurrency coins are displayed on a textured fabric surface. Each coin features distinct symbols and inscriptions related to digital currencies.
A collection of various cryptocurrency coins displayed against a dark background, with a blend of golden, silver, and bronze tones. Visible coins include representations of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other crypto symbols, placed in a shiny metallic dish or cup. A gavel is partially visible, suggesting themes of legality or auction.
A collection of various cryptocurrency coins displayed against a dark background, with a blend of golden, silver, and bronze tones. Visible coins include representations of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other crypto symbols, placed in a shiny metallic dish or cup. A gavel is partially visible, suggesting themes of legality or auction.


Wir erforschen digitale Währungen und Technologien für die Allgemeinheit.

A close-up view of a gold-colored cryptocurrency token displaying intricate embossed designs and text around its circumference. The coin is positioned upright on a dark stand against a black background, highlighting its metallic sheen.
A close-up view of a gold-colored cryptocurrency token displaying intricate embossed designs and text around its circumference. The coin is positioned upright on a dark stand against a black background, highlighting its metallic sheen.

Unsere Projekte konzentrieren sich auf das Verständnis von Kryptowährungen und deren Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft sowie die Entwicklung neuer Technologien im digitalen Raum.

Three cryptocurrency coins are placed on a surface. The forefront coin is gold with a detailed circuit-like pattern and inscriptions. The coin in the background is silver, featuring similar intricate designs. A portion of a word starting with 'QUANT' is visible in the top background.
Three cryptocurrency coins are placed on a surface. The forefront coin is gold with a detailed circuit-like pattern and inscriptions. The coin in the background is silver, featuring similar intricate designs. A portion of a word starting with 'QUANT' is visible in the top background.

Wir initiieren Forschungsprojekte zur Blockchain-Technologie, um deren Potenzial und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in verschiedenen Bereichen zu erforschen und zu fördern.